A colleague pointed me to Wineskin Winery as a way of wrapping the Window ipseus executable into something that can run on Mac OSX and after a bit of mucking I got things working. Can't say everything is working but you can create, response to and analysis an identity instrument.
First off, if you don't care about the details, here is a link to my first working attempt at a Mac version of ipseus: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B821ulwDfsnTNk5GdVJKYklsN00/view?usp=sharing
Just download the ipseusWineskin.zip file, extract the ipseus.app file and double click to run... I think... I'm a bit of a Mac novice and haven't tested this on any machine other than my own. For example, you might need Wine installed among other stuff.
For any of you kind folk that are testing this, please provide feedback in the comments.
So this is want I did:
- Downloaded ipseus: http://www.identityexploration.com/Download-Free-Ipseus.asp
- Downloaded Wineskin Winery from here: http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com/tiki-index.php?page=Downloads
- Check out a Wineskin tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rRnxO46I2s
- In Wineskin Winery select 'Create New Blank Wrapper'
- Choose a name for your new wrapper e.g. 'ipseus'
- Select 'View Wrapper in Finder'
- Right (Ctrl) click on ipseus.app file and select 'Show Package Contents'
- Double click on 'Wineskin' application
- Select 'Install Software' followed by 'Choose Setup Executable'
- Find and select the 'ipseusSetup.msi' file you downloaded in step 1 above.
- Once installed, double click the 'Wineskin' icon again. It may complain about no executable being set and ask you if it should use '/Program Files/Identity Exploration/ipseus/Sycadex.Idio.exe'. Accept this suggestion.
- In the Wineskin window now select 'Advanced'
- The configuration settings should include the 'Windows EXE' filename as mentioned in 11) but you may wish to change the 'Menubar Name' and add to the 'Associated Extensions' list.
- Select 'Set Screen Options' and toggled 'Use Mac Driver instead of X11' to have ipseus covering the full window pane.
- Select the 'Tools' tab and click the 'Winetricks' button.
- After a bit of mucking around, I installed the following in the DLLs subcategory (though to be honest all of them might not be needed, and the install order may be important!):
- dotnet20
- gdiplus
- gdiplus_winxp
- jet40
- mdac27
- mdac28
- msflxgrid
- msftedit
- mshflxgd
- msls31
- msvcirt
- msxml3
- msxml6
- riched20
- riched30
- richtx32
- wsh56vb
- wsh57
- I also installed the following from the FONTs subcategory (again possibly not necessary):
- corefonts
- eufonts
- All of these settings in 15 & 16 evolved through trial & error and an understanding of components used in the initial Windows application. The Winetricks install ordering might be important. I say this as on retesting these instructions a few times I got different results.
I finally had to select the 'Config Utility (winecfg)' button in the 'Tools' tab. - In the 'Applications' tab of the dialog box that appeared I set the 'Windows Version' to 'Windows 2000'
- In the 'Libraries' tab of the same dialog box I had to add some overrides (specifically 'gdiplus (native)' and 'riched20 (native, builtin)'
- Close the Wineskin dialog
- Cross fingers
- Double click your new ipseus for Mac OSX application
I've replicated the steps a few times and got most of the ipseus application working. Well the important bits anyway. The embedded screenshots show the specific areas that wreaked my head. I don't understand the implications of everything I added under 'Winetricks', nor the important order to install them. However, if everything is added and the settings in the screenshots above duplicated you should have a working version of ipseus on your Apple hardware.
I doubt printing is working, so I recommend exporting reports and data out to Excel or PDF files and just print them natively instead.
I can't say I'll keep every update to ipseus also updated for use on the Mac, but at least with this blog entry any nerdy Mac users (or Mac buddies) should be do it yourselves. Go fish.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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